

Hey all
My name is Mats Bjornlund (MatsStureby) and i live in Sweden, so please excuse my bad english.
My background is that I have been flying for almost 15 years, initially only helicopters. Then I thought I had to try quadrocopters. So for the moment I fly DJI Mavic Pro Platinum and of course my dear helicopters, 600-class and 200-class.
But my grandchildren are also very interested in this, so I bought a Tello, mostly because I was attracted by the fact that it was programmable via DroneBlocks, I have a background as a programmer.
Now I’ve bought two Tellons for my grandchildren, so we’ll see how this ends.
Excuse my long introduction, but I really enjoy Tellon and programming new things almost every day.
Thanks to Dennis Baldwin for the introduction to Tello Drone programming.