UniTree Go1 Python Wrapper

Has anyone had any success at using the Python wrapper made for the UniTree Legged SDK Go1 example scripts?

I had success building the ROS2 to Real (unitreerobotics/unitree_ros2_to_real) package in my colcon workspace on my Ubuntu 22.04 machine. This package specifically calls for V. 3.5.1 of the Legged SDK which is what I initially used. I’m not familiar with C++ which is the language that all the example scripts within the Legged SDK are written in.

In a newer version of the Legged SDK there’s a Python Wrapper with associated Python example scripts (unitreerobotics/unitree_legged_sdk/tree/go1/example_py), but I’ve had no success building it. Trying to use this newer version of the Legged SDK also conflicts with the requirement of using the Legged SDK v3.5.1.

I’m asking this question here as I saw someone from this community use these Python scripts in THIS video on YouTube. I’d like to get this to build on my Ubuntu machine rather than doing it all through WSL/Docker if possible. Thanks for any help you can provide :slight_smile:

Do you receive any error output when trying to use Ubuntu directly? I’m surprised this doesn’t work. I’ll take a look in the next day or two, but any error output would be helpful for debugging purposes. Thanks.

One other thing that just came to mind is if you’re trying to interface with Go1 using Python over wifi then it may be a networking issue. This gist has some details starting at line 38:

Unitree Go1 Wireless Network Setup for Low Level Control with Windows and Docker (github.com)

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