Unitree Go2 Support problems

Have had my Unitree Go2 for about 9 months and without bigger issues worked fine untill software update, it failed, several times, and it after several days they say there is a fault on the rear left legg engine… strange since it worked just fine before update…
after 1 month with several weak apologies i finaly got the part. they send me a “how to replace” video… but the wrong one…
now i have replaced the part, and a diffrent problem appears…
still no working dog…

i have no more patience for the aftersales help…

im realy close to sharing the whole communication with aftersales… its absolutley terrible.

Hey Magnus,

I’m not seeing your name associated with a DroneBlocks order. Did you place your order directly through DroneBlocks? Please feel free to reach out to support@droneblocks.io. I’d be happy to help!
