Propeller Guard suggestions for Crazyflie?


I am just getting started with Droneblovcks and I’d like to add guards before students use the devices. I’ve printed and installed the guard posted by Dennis Baldwin: Bitcraze Crazyflie 2.1 Propeller Guards by dennisbaldwin - Thingiverse

When I attempt to fly the drone, it just struggles to take off and then flips over.

a. Does anyone have suggestions for troubleshooting?
b. Is there anyone willing to share what you use and how it works for you?

Many thanks,


You need to recalibrate after you add the guards.

If your guards are too heavy, you might need more powerful motors.

Thanks for the response. How do I recalibrate?
Can you recommend a more powerful motor that is suitable?
Can you point me to a source for such motors?