Error Message: Did not rec'v a state packet

I’m doing the 14 days of Py, as the goal is for my high school freshmen to program their drones using Py.
I’m at lesson 14, which connects your computer to the drone.
I get the following error message: Did not receive a state packet from the Tello.

Tello is activated and has the latest firmware.

This has been a slow process for me, and I’m on the last lesson. Trying to keep my forward momentum.

Would you mind sharing your Python code here so I can review and see what’s going on? Thanks!

Ah okay this looks to be a Firewall issue. You can send and receive commands Tello but cannot receive state information. For reference these are the ports that the DroneBlocks app uses with Tello. I realize you’re going through Python but these ports still apply…

  • 8889 - udp control
  • 8890 - udp state
  • 11111 - udp video

Here is a video I posted a while back that may be able to help regarding port access in Windows:

PS I’m assuming you’re on Windows!

Well… this is beyond disappointing. You have no idea what we had to go through to get these. The superintendent’s office was involved, and this is a very large district; 18k students.

This has to work with zero IT support. It’s that simple.

I’m going to ask for an RMA so I can return all this stuff. I don’t think I can use it.

-Mike Tanner
Waukegan High School

I don’t have administrator access.
In fact, the IT group in my building doesn’t even have administrator access.
My computers have to be taken across town to the district headquarters to have anything done. I’m in that process now, with all my computers to add a license key (that I’ve been using for 10 yrs), at a time when I really need them.
I can’t have my computers missing because of a firewall issue with drones, that some folks at district headquarters don’t think I should have in the first place.

do these things work with chromebooks?

@Mike Unfortunately, DroneBlocks has zero control over how much or how little districts restrict their network or computers and we can only advise you on how to remedy the situation. I don’t believe you would need to have your computer out of commission for this request as your IT group should be able to make the change remotely and fairly quickly if they follow the video which @dbaldwin has provided.

DroneBlocks absolutely runs on Chromebooks using either the App from the Google Play store or the Chrome Extension (only available til 2025). We also provide this video here on the curriculum which walks through using Python on Chromebooks.

For example… My students can program Legos using Python without any IT support. No firewall issues. No cryptic port stuff. Plug and play. Very manageable learning curve. I thought I could give my students something a bit more exciting than Legos crawling around on a benchtop.
There was so much red tape, it took me a whole year to get this stuff.

We are at the mercy of the hardware manufacturer in this case. Tello requires communication over UDP, which forces us to open sockets over specific ports to send/receive data. We are about to release DroneBlocks support for Crazyflie, which communicates over Bluetooth and gets around a lot of these restrictions.

Noted. Legos Python communicates via Bluetooth, and I’ve been doing that for years without issue. Thanks.